AnyConnect VPNUIC's VPN service which allows safely connecting to certain campus networks from other parts of campus or off-campus networks.
BlackboardPrimary Learning Management System for UIC.
Box.comCloud file storage/sharing licensed for UIC use.
CrashPlanFree backups for desktops and laptops; available to UIC faculty and staff
Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) 2.0Web accessibility evaluator allows automated report generation for warnings and violations which may impact the accessibility of a website.
GmailWeb interface for UIC Google mail.
Google AnalyticsUsed to monitor traffic to your website. LAS IT will configure Analytics for your site and provide access to viewing reports.
LAS PhotoShelterCollege of LAS online photo library, currently under construction.
LinkedIn LearningLearning tools on many IT topics. UIC has a campus license.
Microsoft PlannerUIC Office 365 task planner
Microsoft TeamsOnline conversation for your team, works with Planner, Calendar and Shared Files.
Office 365 MailWeb interface for UIC Exchange online email.
QualtricsCreate a survey. This is licensed for UIC.
U of I WebtoolsUse your netID to login and use this handy collection of tools for the web, such as web forms, surveys, e-newsletters and short urls.
WordPress RedCampus web platform used by our College, departments and programs. Is also recommended for research/lab sites and has some class options when a public site is desired.
ZoomZoom Video Conferencing & Collaboration Service